Do you long to bring the Sacred Feminine into your life and work?
Retreats and support to awaken and restore the divine feminine in your life.
Reconnect with Your Feminine Energy
Enhance Your Intuition
Manifest Your Authentic Self
Deep inside yourself, you know something is missing. There’s an empty space, a hollow feeling, a sense of something ancient that once was.
How this missing piece shows up in your life may be depression, lethargy, ennui, or a lack of fulfillment (even when you’ve achieved all your “goals”). Your relationships are strained, your work lacks meaning, your self-esteem dips. You feel out of balance but you can’t put your finger on what is needed to steady your life.
You may have dabbled in meditation, yoga, therapy, and personal development trying to tap into that space, but nothing has reached that place within that feels crucial to being your full, authentic self.
The problem is, many have lost touch with their inner feminine energy — the source of intuition, empathy, and profound wisdom. We’ve been conditioned to turn down or tune out the sacred feminine in ourselves and all around us, leaving us disconnected from our hearts, each other, nature, the divine, and the innate/immense wisdom that is our birthright.
Just reading this, can you start to feel a shift already?
Imagine a world where your inner wisdom flows like a river, creativity blooms effortlessly, and you dance in harmony with life's rhythms. This is the realm of the divine feminine — the sacred energy residing within all of us, waiting to be honored.
This feminine energy manifests in all aspects of life — personal, relationships, family, spirituality, work — and is designed to be balanced by masculine and other archetypal energies.
If you want to shift your life and work to one of unity, healing, and joy, you must lead with the divine feminine principles of love, compassion, peace, and collaboration. We all can bring out the sacred feminine in our lives. Then, bit by bit, we will remove the patriarchal beliefs and systems that have suppressed the divine feminine for thousands of years.

NEW! Awakening the Divine Feminine: Transform Your Life & Work — April 4-7, 2025!
If you want to save the planet, unite divisiveness, and heal your heart, you must lead with the divine feminine principles of love, compassion, peace, and collaboration. It's time to bring out the sacred feminine in your life.
This retreat will help you recognize, tap into, nurture, and reclaim the sacred feminine inside you.
Over 4 transformative days and 3 nights, we will honor and embody the divine feminine with movement, art, nature, reflection, expression, story, song, and ritual. We will unlock the beliefs, myths, and messages that bind us and replace outdated and harmful systems with new awareness and peace. We will remember the truth of the divine feminine.
Join us to recover the principles of the sacred feminine to connect with what is already inside, remember what you have forgotten, and find what you have been yearning for.
It took me 40 years to find my sacred feminine.
If your heart and soul are hungry for what you know is buried inside of you, save yourself the time and heartache and fast-track yourself to your divine heritage now.
You don’t have to end your relationships, leave your church, quit your job, or stop shaving your armpits (unless you want to).
On this journey, you will learn about how the divine feminine manifests in all living things. You’ll explore the wisdom of this sacred holy-holistic energy. You’ll discover the divine seeds that have always been inside you, expose the false beliefs, and reclaim your birthright.
Then, bit by bit, we’ll remove the patriarchal beliefs and systems that have suppressed the divine feminine for thousands of years. Together, we will remember the truth of the divine feminine and bring it back to the forefront.

It took me 40 years to find my sacred feminine.
If your heart and soul are hungry for what you know is buried inside of you, save yourself the time and heartache and fast-track yourself to your divine heritage now.

You don’t have to end your relationships, leave your church, quit your job, or stop shaving your armpits (unless you want to).
On this journey, you will learn about how the divine feminine manifests in all living things. You’ll explore the wisdom of this sacred holy-holistic energy. You’ll discover the divine seeds that have always been inside you, expose the false beliefs, and reclaim your birthright.
Then, bit by bit, we’ll remove the patriarchal beliefs and systems that have suppressed the divine feminine for thousands of years. Together, we will remember the truth of the divine feminine and bring it back to the forefront.